Reference 3804560

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  • Triangular reflector with optical element
  • The red triangular reflective reflector is mandatory at the rear of any trailer or caravan.
    If the rear light does not have an integrated reflective triangle, one must be fitted separately.
Gencod 3557640069814
Origin code P010500 | KRWB2800P002 | 208241 | 223835 | 223836 | 4104560 | 3804560G | WB2800 | P2A6044560 | P-010500 | KRWB-2800-P-002 | 3804560-G | WB-2800 | P-2-A-6044560
Supplier code 3804560
Concurrent code P010500 | KRWB2800P002 | 208241 | 223835 | 223836 | 4104560 | 3804560G | WB2800
Fastener 2 holes
Shape Triangle
Color Rouge
Width 157
Height 157
Entraxe de fixation 70
Weight 0.161
Type of packaging Blister
Quantity in sales packaging 2